Munchkins and Moms: Painted Toast


Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Painted Toast

Cannon is really starting to show an interest in identifying colors and engaging with them to make art. I even bought him a brand new pack of the chubby toddler crayons to color with (but for some reason he is choosing to eat the yellow one. Maybe he thinks it's cheese???). Anyways, it's super cute when he walks up to me and asks "color?" So coloring has been an activity we take out multiple times a day in our house. Needless to say I was ready to color with a new medium yesterday!

I remember seeing an idea on Pinterest for painting bread with milk and food coloring and thought that would be the perfect way to kill two birds with one stone (coloring and snacking!) It was snack time anyways so I gathered the materials and began the project.

Food coloring
Containers for your "milk paint"
Paint brushes

There's no real recipe for making the paint. Just add as much food coloring as you'd like to the milk. I would advice just pouring a tiny amount though. You really don't need a whole lot to paint with!

Cannon was beyond excited when I sat him down for this art project/snack!

(Updated photos. At 3 years old my big boy still enjoys this!)

(Original photo from the post. Look at my sweet little boy!)

And I couldn't help myself from painting my own bread :)

Once we were done painting I put the bread in the broiler part of my oven for just a minute or two. When it was nice and toasty I spread on some butter and we ate our art!
This was a great snack, especially after we just participated in the Color in Motion 5k! I'm looking forward to incorporating more colorful art projects this week as I nurture Cannon's newfound interest in color, what projects do you recommend?